It is the patient’s responsibility to supply Miners’ Colfax Medical Center with all necessary billing information at the time of service. All Outpatient and Emergency Room accounts are to be paid at the time of service unless acceptable third party insurance coverage is presented. Pre-certification of third party benefits is often required. The hospital will assist in obtaining this information but it is the patient’s responsibility to make sure all of the information has been completed. Failure to complete the pre-certification in no way relieves the patient of his/her financial responsibility. Any charges incurred as the result of a vehicle accident or public liability injury will be considered as the personal responsibility of the patient. Miners’ Colfax Medical Center will not become involved in third party disputes.

Patients may receive more than one bill for a single hospital encounter. Miners’ Colfax Medical Center issues a bill only for the services it provides. This bill usually does not include the fees for attending physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, pathologists, radiologists, consulting or emergency room physicians. Each of those providers will bill patients separately.

Most insurance plans do not cover all of your hospital stay. Payment may be made with cash, check or a credit card such as Visa/MasterCard. If you have questions about your billing or need to make a deposit on your account and arrange for installment payments, you may contact one of our patient account representatives at 445-7725.